
misplaced, punctuation

Octopress Table Styling


It seems that by default, Octopress has very minimal table styling. This post shows you how to tweak the CSS styling. Note that a better place for the CSS code would be to append sass/custom/_styles.scss.

LaTeX Theorem-like Environments for the Web


Although MathJax offers LaTeX-like mathematical typesetting for the web, there are some other constructs from LaTeX that would be useful for a mathematical blog. For instance, the amsthm package allows you to define environments for theorems, proofs, lemmas, definitions, and so on. However, MathJax doesn’t implement these higher-level formatting features. And rightly so; any formatting on the web should be done with CSS.

Matching Content to MathJax


MathJax is great, but one small annoyance is when using plain text within an equation (with the \text{} command), the typeface would not match the surrounding content. If you like the MathJax typeface, the easiest way to solve this subtle problem is to use the MathJax typeface for your content.



What could be more awesome than a heavy metal band consisting of robots playing Ace of Spades?

Blogging With Math: Octopress, MathJax, and Pandoc


I’ve been trying to achieve mathematical writing nirvana, as others have tried before me. My hope is to eventually use a single system for all my technical writing, be it for the web or print. Being an experienced LaTeX user, I would expect no less in terms of flexibility and typesetting of mathematical expressions. However, making LaTeX play nice on the web can be a challenge. Here’s my solution thus far.

Shipping Out


Thanks to Mark Reid’s tweet, I came across this great piece in Harper’s by David Foster Wallace. My favorite section is when he’s describing his cabin; the toilet in his bathroom in particular:

The toilet’s flush produces a brief but traumatizing sound, a kind of held high-B gargle, as of some gastric disturbance on a cosmic scale. Along with this sound comes a suction so awesomely powerful that it’s both scary and strangely comforting: your waste seems less removed than hurled from you, and with a velocity that lets you feel as though the waste is going to end up someplace so far away that it will have become an abstraction, a kind of existential sewage-treatment system.

David Foster Wallace Shipping Out

Harper’s has other articles by David Foster Wallace available online.

Valid XML Atom Feed on GitHub Pages


Attempting to brand my site, I wanted to use to prepend the title of non-linklog items. This wound up breaking the atom feed in Google Reader, and hence my favorite Google Reader client Reeder. I couldn’t have that.